10 style tips for teenage boys ~ fashionabldunia


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All images belong to their respected owners but if you want to remove it contect us we will do it. In today's article we are going to talk about style tips for teens who maybe around 13-18 age of group. These tips and tricks help you to stand out of the crowd and still if you have any questions or problems then comment we will answer it or write dedicated articles on it. Now let's begin with our 1st point :-

1} accessories

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accessories are very important for example my favorite one is going to be like a ring I use that more of a loss them all to be honest but stuff like rings necklaces chains watches even sunglasses things like that are really gonna set you aside from other people around our age it's not a lot of people wear that stuff so I definitely

recommend like stepping out of your comfort zone you know trying go buy a watch and you don't have to drop a ton of money on a really expensive watch there are plenty of good watch companies that sell really cool ones like the movement in Tarot watches and a bunch of different other ones you're probably gonna Macy's and find names for like around 100 bucks and that one we look really cool and it also chains like you can wear it like a gold baby chain those are really cool.

2} trends

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if you're going for trends the shop at places that sell like trends for lower prices for example like Paxson in H&M those are gonna be really good options because those two stores typically like stay on like the latest trends but they're really affordable stores for example like a few years ago I saw a lot of people wearing pants with paint on them and that was a huge trend if you n like celebrities mostly shopped at like fear of God which is like soul pants for like over $1000 packs and sold some really good alternatives for like 70 bucks that's the only example that comes to mind but yeah if you want to keep on the latest trends don't drop a lot of money on them because if that trend does die out then you're just left with a piece that you dropped a lot of money on and now you really can't wear opposed to you go into like H&M and spending like $30 on a piece of like will only last you the season anyways so by the time the trend does die out the piece that you bought at H&M will be already ready to throw out.

3} always keep your essentials

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always keep your essentials ready especially if you're not going for like the latest trends and you want like more timeless minimal look the basic essentials are gonna be your best friends so like a basic white tea grey tea black tea pullover sweaters, ripped black jeans I have plenty of articles that like explain the essentials and why you should get them so if you haven't seen those that definitely recommend checking those out and the fourth style tip that I can give you guys is...

4} white canvas sneakers

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white canvas sneakers go with everything honestly it doesn't have to be canvas to yours of white sneakers in general go with everything if you truly think about it the color white goes with everything so when it comes to clothing it's also the same thing especially when it goes for like the bottom pieces of your outfit you're not gonna be spoiling too many colors probably just gonna be like light wash jeans dark wash jeans black jeans so definitely pick up a white pair of sneakers now you could go for like a more expensive one then like spend like $90 on Stan Smith's or it could even be like Congress which I personally recommend because we're gonna make $50 white vans are also a great option it all depends on what you want.

5} versatile clothing

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versatile clothing now this ties into like the essentials because like most of the essentials are gonna be versatile but for example like a black hoodie it's gonna be like one of the first examples of versatile clothing that I can think of because you could wear it by yourself you could wear it with a dinner Jackie or pretty much any type of jacket or over a flannel basically if you're on a budget which most teens are when you're shopping for clothes try to think of like the versatility of the thing that

you're gonna be buying like how many outfits can you go with because like I said if you don't have a lot of money what's the point buying one thing that can only go with with a certain outfit that you have in your head I posted buying like a white shirt

thank you pretty much go with everything.

6} over do logos

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 don't over do logos basically what I mean by that like a shirt a logo here and there's really cool but at the end of the day like logos is probably what's gonna cost you more for example like a black shirt that has like the guest logo on it it's gonna cost like 30 to 40 dollars opposed to like a plain

black shirt that you can get an Asian end that fits well and will last you like pretty much the same length that's a guess one will cost you like 15 to 20 bucks like I said logos aren't cool here in there but if you're on a budget don't overdo the logos and also another reason why you shouldn't overdo logos is because if you're wearing a shirt with like a broad logo every single day obviously people are gonna notice opposed to wearing like a black shirt that has no logos no one's gonna notice that you're wearing the same shirt especially if you're layering and using in a different ways no one's gonna really notice.

 7} grooming

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grooming is insanely important especially in high school if you're not going for a beard and you just have like random like you know chin hairs and like on your sides shave it off because it doesn't really look good and like high school was like mostly the time for like most dudes are gonna be growing like that kind of like facial hair barely so if you're not going forward don't be lazy to shave it off and same thing with skin care it is really obvious when you're not taking care of your face like as far as like cleaning it goes I'm not saying that it's acne in general because like you could tell when like acne is being like managed and you're showing an attempt for it opposed to just like you just don't care whatsoever and you have like a really dirty face so clean your face every single day even if you have acne you know like make an attempt to know to get rid of it I even have a Post on it click here [ acen removing tips and trick ] that work for me so if you do need help with acne I have a article about that check that out anyways moving on to

8} backpack

understand how important a backpack is towards your outfit I remember my freshman year I came in with like a very vibrant you know colorful backpack and the brownest was like the first backpack that I saw like Ross or something that's honestly at the time I didn't really care about backpacks but it didn't make a huge

impact on my outfit so in my opinion I would go for like a very like minima low-key backpack for example JanSport basically ones that really don't stand out and colors that go with everything like I said black goes with everything

9} iron your clothing

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 irony near clothes don't trust me I know that sounds weird but I so many dudes especially in high school underestimate how bad wrinkles look I can completely ruin an outfit and it just looks sloppy and like not well put together so definitely iron your clothes and but it only takes like maybe like five minutes maximum now those five minutes go a long way.

10} bad smell

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good cologne now your scent is just as important as how your outfit looks if you have the sickest outfit like out of anyone in your entire school it doesn't really matter if no one's gonna talk to you because you smell bad now you don't necessarily have to spend a hundred bucks on cologne but you can go to Macy's and like find which one like smells good for you and probably only cost like 30 bucks or even that's too much you can even try like something like scent bird which I know a lot of people talk about and honestly I haven't even tried it so I do want to make a article about me trying that let me know if that does sound interesting anyways those are the 10 style tips I can give for like teens like people maybe age of 14-18 in high school or even younger.

Written by ~ KaushalPathak

Email :- kaushalpathak629@gmail.com


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