How To Get Fair Skin | The Secret Behind FAIRNESS | Grooming Tips For Dark Skin Men | - FashionablDunia

 How To Get Fair Skin | The Secret Behind FAIRNESS | Grooming Tips For Dark Skin Men | - FashionablDunia

Skin care image credit :- Google

What's good you guys? Welcome back to blog! Today's article is my 8 men's grooming and fashion tips for men with darker skin tones. In this article I will be addressing issues like fairness creams, skin whitening, and skin glowing home remedies. We'll also cover the age old fashion and style questions about dark skin. Colours to wear, colors to avoid for dark skin. But today's article will be focussed on getting glowing skin! Using moisturizers, face scrubs, fullers' earth (multani mitti), lemon juice and haldi or turmeric. Then we'll move on to fashion for the darker indian skin tone! These are my 'fairness' secrets. The step by step

procedure on how to get fair skin :)

the secret behind fairness, A lot of bros want to become fair how do you get fair skin in today's article I'm giving you eight fashion and grooming tips for the slightly darker bro for the Indian skin tone but before we get to the actual tips and tricks we've got to talk about imperialism Africa South America and obviously the Asia Pacific region has been a victim of imperialism the imperialistic Age was when European countries decided that you know what our countries are not enough let's take over the rest of the world so they ended up conquering other parts of the world and that's where this whole phase skin is better than dark skin mentality was first born and unfortunately for us we've grown up in an age with stupid fair and lovely ads where they tell you things like well you need to be fair to get a better job your duck you'll never find lov unfortunately all of us have grown up watching those ads hell even our parents have grown up watching those as a parents are influenced by imperialism today when those European countries took over the rest of the world they kind of convinced us that white skin is superior white skin is better and that thought process has unfortunately stayed in all those Asian African and South American countries still today so keep in mind the secret behind fairness lies and imperialism your skin color is genetic and remember you shouldn't try to change it but instead you should try making it the best version of itself keeping that in mind I'm gonna give you my top eight tipi starting with tip number one. 

1) do not chase skin whitening

Do not chase skin whitening and don't use skin whitening creams they harm your face in the long term they contain hydroquinone Mercury carcinogen steroids countless other harmful substances that'll spoil the quality of your skin so how do you really achieve that glow we have two situations the first is if you have dry skin if you've got dry skin then every time you wash your face after you've completely washed off all the soap dry your face with a towel and then go on to apply a mild moisturizer a moisturizer will be your best friend if you've got dry skin that ends up flaking off or if you've got really dry lips just end up applying a moisturizer or you can even apply something like Vaseline that's petroleum jelly that's what will help you get glowing healthy skin the long-term your second option is if you're someone who deals with oily skin if you've got oily skin I've got a home remedy for you this is called Multani mitti 

Image credit :- Ranveer allahabadi/bearbiceps

Fuller's earth and you get it at absolutely any Indian grocery store so you want to buy a block of Fuller's earth chip off a bit of it and then pound it into a powder mix about half a teaspoon of turmeric or healthy into it squeeze a little bit of lemon and create a slight pace or of this mixture if it's not wet enough add a few drops of water and get that nice smooth consistency apply a thin layer of this mixture onto your face let it dry off do not keep it on your face for longer than twenty

minutes and then wash it off what ends up happening is that the tumeric ends up cleaning up your face it's an antiseptic the lemon kind of helps increase the glow of your face and most importantly because you've got oily skin the Fuller's earth kind of just sucks out all the oil from your face you cannot use this mixture more than once or twice a week because if you overdo it then your skin responds by secreting even more oil so once or twice a week maybe or a gap of three days end up using this mixture you'll actually see a chain in your face within a month.

3) exfoliation


we're talking about exfoliation to get that blowing baby type skin you use a face scrub that's basically your face wash with these little hard particles now when you apply a face scrub you've got a massage your face in a circular direction. you got a massage yourself firmly don't press too hard but just go on circular motions and press it hard enough for your face to feel kind of a slight tingling feeling what happens is that because of all those hard particles your blood circulation to your face increases and when your blood circulation to your face increases it promotes skin growth now this method works fantastic to give you glowing skin but don't use this method if you're very acne prone or if you've got acne that'll end up just harming those informations on your face but if you're not someone who deals with acne and you just want really good healthy glowing skin exfoliation is the way to go don't do it more than once a week maybe on Sundays maybe on the same day you apply a Multani mitti.

 4) diet

 If you want clear glowing skin the biggest hack and the book is you focus on your diet two major factors the first of which is water throughout the day keep yourself

hydrated aim just to make your urine

clear for most of the day the urine slightly yellow go and drink some more waterthe second factor you've got to focus on

is your vegetable and fiber intake don't try focusing too much on fruits include a little bit of it but primarily focus on vegetables which are much more nutritionally dense that means for the same amount of food you're getting a lot more vitamins and minerals quicker rule of thumb is that you want to play around with the colors of your vegetables very quick solution getting healthy skin forever.

5) Neetness

A lot of you slightly darker brows focus too much on skin color and don't focus on the things that you actually have to focus on remember if you want to look better if

you want to look more handsome it's all

about looking slightly neato beards are in fashion and if you want you can keep a beard but make sure you maintain it

well either use some beard grooming products or at least end up trimming it to a point where it looks neat it shouldn't be like a big Bush on your face and also keep in mind if you're someone who just gets a patchy beard that means it just grows a little bit in spots then ideally you should be

avoiding a beard that ends up making you

look a little bit scruffy it's not good for how handsome you look and it's not good for your corporate environment your job as well so either you go clean-shaven completely if you're getting a patchy beard or you grow it out entirely and then take care of it make sure that it's neat if you want an example of a great looking beard that looks neat and enhances your looks that will actually affect your looks badly either you go clean-shaven or you grow out your beard and take care of it.

6) your skin is not as important as

your physique alright so that's with the grooming tips for slightly darker guys now let's talk fashion tips for dark guys keep in mind your skin is not as important as your physique if you want to be able to pull off absolutely any kind of piece of clothing first work on your physique that's almost 90% of the game one if you're a dark guy ideally you shouldn't be wearing bright colors that's the rule of the book but that

rule completely boils down to zero it Doesn't even matter as long as you got a

good physique you do not have to be some kind of bodybuilder you don't have to be ripped like Bruce Lee you just need to

look healthy your arms need to be filled out your chest needs to be filled out you need to work your legs you need to work your back just the basics you can even achieve a good looking body through home workouts if you're a dark guy just remember this Golden Rule if you've got

a good physique if you've just got the basics correct you can wear absolutely any color all right so that's that for slightly fitter guys but obviously everyone is in fit now.

7) bright colours for skinny/over weight people

what do you do if you're a very skinny dark blue or if you're a slightly more positive burger slightly on the fatter side this is when you've got to care about bright colors a little bit why because bright colors highlight your physique if you're wearing white or if you're wearing very bright popping shades like red orange bright blue all that kind of draws attention to your body and obviously because your skin tone is different from the color of your t-shirt your body is highlighted even

more so in situations like that if you're skinny if you're slightly on the fattest I'd avoid slightly brighter colors.

8) best option for your colour

what are the colors that you should choose when it comes to your t-shirts and your shirts ideally give priority to darker colors we're talking black navy blue brown olive green dark grey dark maroon like in this case these colors match very well with that slightly dark wheatish Indian skin tone but also keep in mind that choosing your colors is not half as important as choosing your physique and even all these other eight points are not half as important as the final advice I'd like to give you all it's not really a fashion or grooming tip but keep in mind if you want to see more attractive people aren't just attracted to how you are externally dressed or how

you look externally people are attracted to positivity and confidence before trying to select your grooming and fashion related actions first select the action of loving yourself learn how to be comfortable in your own skin the way you're born is the way your going to be for the rest of your life do not believe that fair skin is superior to dark skin really doesn't matter we're living in 2021 all kinds of skin types are considered beautiful today.

do not believe anyone who tells you that dark skin doesn't look good and that you should get rid of your suntan anyone who

promotes that idea is basically promoting the idea of racism anyway guys if you liked today's article make sure you give it a thumbs up make sure you check out the other articles from a men's grooming and Men fashion and until next time guys from fashionabldunia. I'll see you later...

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